Each Christmas as I gazed at the brightly-wrapped rectangular packages under our tree, I wondered, “Which one is my new book?” I knew that gift promised a virtual journey into an unknown world, maybe a fantastical world, where I would meet new people and learn new things. This enjoyable reading experience would spawn new thoughts and ideas to percolate in my brain. I still have many of those gifts on my bookshelves nearly forty years later. The ideas and impressions I gathered have influenced the person I am today and the choices I have made throughout my life.
How about you? What books were YOU given as a child that impacted you?
At Book Drive for Kids, we offer this experience at each and every free book fair. Excited children peruse the heavily laden tables and wonder, “Which one will be MY new book?” They judge the book covers to decide which adventure will be the most exciting. They read the back covers for clues to trigger their interest. They look for familiar characters and titles. Finally, they select their new book – their new quest.
For many of these children, this will be the FIRST book they have received as a gift. For others, it will be one of a handful of children’s books that they can read over and over because it now belongs to them. Forever.
It’s a joy to watch! It’s like Christmas, every day.
With your gift of $3 we can place a NEW book in the hands of a child who may never have received a book as a gift. Just $3 per child.
Right up the street in Denton and Lewisville, there are 5,000 children who are economically disadvantaged and between 30-50% of those children have not yet mastered English. They desperately need books in their homes to boost their academic progress but also to give hope, adventure, and a little magic. These books will take them places they can only dream of going and let them “do” things that foster hope and joy.
Help us reach our goal of raising the remaining $10,000 we need to reach all of these children in Denton county. Donate today.
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