Can you recall a special book that shifted your thinking? Brought laughter during a difficult time? Sparked a life-long curiosity? Stories have the power to change our lives. Books fill knowledge gaps. Stories develop empathy for others. Good literature gives us tools to learn, grow, and be hopeful. At Book Drive for Kids, we believe that all children should have the ability and access to read the kind of books that will change their lives.
What Do Kids Need?
The number of books read aloud to a child before kindergarten is the number one predictor of success in kindergarten. The number of books in a child’s home is a major indicator of that child’s future academic success. When children choose a book, they are more likely to read it. The older children get, the fewer books they will read. Early childhood through 6th grade is the time when children must learn to read proficiently. They also need to learn to love reading. How can you build reading skill without books?
Who Are You Impacting?
Children from birth through 6th grade are the children we serve. They live in low-income areas, often times with a single parent or grandparent. Many live in homes where English is not the first language so their English vocabulary development is not at the level it needs to be to ensure academic success. Due to their family circumstances, books are not present in their homes and are considered a luxury purchase. We also serve children in foster care, special needs classes, and physically impaired children.
We build a love for reading and home libraries through:
Reading is FUNdamental Free Book Fairs
are conducted at schools or community organizations that serve at least 70% economically disadvantaged children. Every child selects a free book(s) of their choice. Our average cost per child is $3.50.
Fill-A-Shelf programs
encompasses efforts to supplement classroom libraries to improve access to books. In 2021-22, we distributed 10,000 Social-Emotional-Mental-Health themed books donated to us from Reading is Fundamental and the American Psychological Association. We were able to place “sets” of these picture books with teachers, school counselors, and daycare providers across the DFW area.
Check the BOX
program is a new initiative aimed at increasing the number of books in the home. Children can request additional books which will be mailed to them for free, once per year. Thrift Books has made a 50,000 book donation we will use to fulfill this initiative. Sponsorship funds are needed for postage and shipping materials.
Volunteer opportunities
are available and encouraged, especially for our sponsors. We want you to see your gifts in action.