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Book Drive for Kids’ Free Book Fairs is book ownership events. We serve children who enjoy reading but have few if any, children’s books at home. These book fairs create excitement about reading by allowing them to choose a free book. It is a gift. Your sponsorship provides this gift and so much more.

At a Free Book Fair, our volunteers set up 4-6 tables of age-appropriate books that include various reading levels and genres of both fiction and non-fiction. Once the child has made a selection, we help them inscribe their name on a specially designed bookplate, solidifying the concept of book ownership. At some events, there are bonus reading materials available (i.e. magazines or bonus books).

Each classroom cycles through the book fair in 15-minute increments. We begin with a short talk introducing Book Drive for Kids, explaining that the books have been gifted to them, giving instructions on the layout of the book fair (fiction/non-fiction areas), and encouraging them to share books with each other, just as our donors are doing with them. Our target age is K-6th grade. A small event serves 225-400 students; a large event serves 700-1200. The average cost is $3.00 per child. Very few of these funds go to administration because we are an all-volunteer organization. At each event, 4-8 volunteers set-up and run the event. We encourage sponsors to send employees as volunteers to represent your organization.

Sponsorship for an event includes Book Drive for Kids fliers distributed by the school listing the sponsoring organization; signage during the event, and we will explicitly tell the students the event is funded by the sponsoring organization. Recognition on our website and social media outlets are also included.

Sponsoring organizations can select sites for free book fairs from our list of scheduled schools or nominate another site if it meets our criteria (i.e. 80% or higher economically-disadvantaged population, etc).

Complete the form at the bottom of the page to let us know you are interested in being a sponsor.

Literacy Launchers

$5,000 (Annual)

  • Listed at top of Sponsorship Page on Book Drive for Kids’ website
  • Primary Sponsor of three Free Book Fairs which includes:
    • Select locations (up to 1,250 students) from provided list;
    • Featured as sponsor on flier distributed by the school;
    • Promoted on day-of event as primary donor;
    • 1,000 bookplates which read, “A special gift from and (sponsors name/logo)”.


Significant Storytellers

$2,500 (Annual)

  • Next listing on Sponsorship Page on Book Drive for Kids’ website
  • Primary sponsor for two Free Book Fair which includes:
    • Select location(s) with 500 – 800 students, from provided list;
    • Featured as sponsor on flier distributed by the school;
    • Promoted on day-of event as primary donor;
    • 500 bookplates which read, “A special gift from and (sponsors name/logo)”.


Roaring Readers

$1500 (Annual)

  • Next listing on Sponsorship Page on Book Drive for Kids’ website
  • Listed as sponsor for one Free Book Fair which includes:
    • Select location of free book fair event from provided list;
    • Featured as sponsor on flier distributed by the school;
    • Promoted on day-of event as primary donor.


Book Lovers

$1000 (Annual)

  • Listed as Bronze Level Literacy Sponsor on website
  • Listed as sponsor for one Free Book Fairs which includes:
    • Select location of small free book fair event from provided list;
    • Featured as sponsor on flier distributed by the school;
    • Promoted on day-of event as primary donor.


In memory of Robert J. Carpus